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Structural Bioinformatics Library
Template C++ / Python API for developping structural bioinformatics applications.
►NPDB | |
CMandatory_fields_default | |
CLine_format | |
CRadius_of_atom | |
CName_and_radius_of_atom | |
CName_of_pair | |
CGeneric_classifier | |
CWeight_of_atoms | |
CSelect_by_resname | |
CSelect_by_atmname | |
CSelect_by_element | |
CSelect_by_chainids | |
CAll_atom_system_builder | |
CRadius_of_coarse_atom | |
CColor_of_atom | |
CColor_of_residues | |
CCoarse_creator_two_barycenters | |
CCoarse_creator_closest_to_barycenter | |
CCoarse_atom | |
CCoarse_residue | |
CCoarse_atoms_iterators | |
CSystem_items_with_coarse_grain | |
CNot_functor | |
CAnd_functors | |
COr_functors | |
CTraits_for_grid | |
CGrid_of_cubes | |
CLine_reader | |
CLine_reader_with_info | |
CPDB_line_selector | |
CPDB_line_selector_two_systems | |
CPDB_line_selector_chain | |
CGeneric_line_selector | |
CMolecular_system | |
CMolecular_secondary_structure_element | |
CMolecular_SS_bond | |
CMolecular_model | |
CMolecular_chain | |
CMolecular_residue | |
CMolecular_atom | |
CDefault_system_items | |
CMolecular_chain_with_SSE | |
CMolecular_residue_with_SSE | |
CSystem_items_with_SSE | |
CMolecular_system< System_items_with_SSE, Point > | |
CNo_occupancy_policy | |
CAccept_all_occupancy_policy | |
CAccept_none_occupancy_policy | |
CMax_occupancy_policy | |
CMin_occupancy_policy | |
CAtom_list_occupancy_policy | |
CSelected_atom_iterator | |
CSystem_updater_from_xdrfile | |
CWeighted_atom_iterator | |
CPoint_3 | |
►NSBL | [includes] |
►NBatch_manager | |
CBM_Dataset | |
CBM_Database | |
CBM_Run_specification_tuple | |
CBM_Run_specification_ensemble | |
CBM_Batch | |
►NBinding_affinity_utils | |
CExec_runner | |
►NCADS | |
CT_Tree_solver | A dynamic programming algorithm which solves the D family matching problem for trees |
CT_Shelling_diagram_vertex_property | Info attached to a vertex of a T_Cell_complex_shelling_diagram |
CT_Cell_complex_shelling_diagram | Diagram representing the shelling order of a cell complex |
CT_Container_of_containers_iterator_base | Base representation of an iterator over nested containers |
CT_Container_of_containers_iterator | Iterator iterator over nested mutable containers |
CT_Container_of_containers_const_iterator | Iterator iterator over nested non-mutable containers |
CT_Dijkstra_shortest_paths_with_landmarks | Brief todo |
CT_Directed_acyclic_graph | Generic representation of a directed acyclic graph |
CDirected_acyclic_graph_default_property | Default data structure containing information associated to an edge or a vertex of a directed acyclic graph |
CT_Directed_acyclic_graph_with_layers | Generic representation of a directed acyclic graph with layers |
CT_EMD_distance_default | Default distance used by the EMD algorithm returning always the null distance |
CT_Earth_mover_distance | Earth mover distance algorithm using lp_solve software for solving linear program problems |
CT_Earth_mover_distance_connectivity_constraints_checker | Functor measuring the violation of the connectivity constraints of any Earth Mover Distance algorithm |
CT_EMD_LP_LP_format_writer | Writing a LP problem using the LP format |
CT_EMD_LP_MPS_format_writer | Writing a LP problem using the MPS format |
CT_EMD_CC_stat_triple | Internal data structure used to store information for the transportation plan |
CT_Earth_mover_distance_transportation_plan | Transportation plan for the Earth Mover Distance algorithms |
CT_Earth_mover_distance_vertices_accessor_graph | Accessors for weighted vertices stored in a boost graph |
CT_Earth_mover_distance_vertices_accessor_vector | Accessors for weighted vertices stored in a simple vector with no connectivity |
CT_Earth_mover_distance_with_connectivity_constraints | Earth mover distance algorithm with connectivity constraints on the input data |
CT_Geodesic_distances_generation | Brief todo |
CT_Tree | A superstructure over the Graph used to represent trees |
►CT_Sub_graph | A superstructure over the Graph used to represent non-induced sub-graphs |
CSub_vertex_property | Sub graph vertex property (wee link it to the vertex it represents in the Graph) |
CT_Greedy_selection | Generic greedy selection algorithm of arrangements of cells |
CT_Greedy_selection_incremental | Generic Greedy selection algorithm of arrangements of cells |
CT_Maximum_clique_finder | Functor returning the vertices of a maximum clique of an input graph |
CT_Minimal_oriented_spanning_forest_Boruvka | Minimal Spanning Forest algorithm |
CT_Ordered_forest_edit_distance | Generic Forest Edit Distance algorithm for ordered forests |
CT_Product_graph_builder | Builder class for product graphs |
CT_Vertex_product_graph_builder | Builder class for vertex product graphs |
CT_Edge_product_graph_builder | Builder class for edge product graphs |
CIs_product_vertex_default | Default functor for product vertex always returning true |
CIs_product_edge_default | Default functor for product edge always returning true |
CT_Vertex_product_graph_traits | Traits clas defining types for a vertex product graph |
CT_Edge_product_graph_traits | Traits clas defining types for an edge product graph |
CT_Random_spanning_tree_property | The solution space for the random spanning tree algorithm. |
CD_Solution | The solution space for the Maximum Spanning tree algorithm. |
CMaximum_spanning_tree_property | The solution space for the maximum spanning tree algorithm. |
►CT_Maximum_spanning_tree_generator | Generates a Maximum spanning tree over a given graph (using boost::graph) |
CNegative_graph_vertex_property | To compute the Maximum spanning tree, we use a negative version of the original graph |
CT_Random_spanning_tree_generator | Generates a Random spanning tree over a given graph (using boost::graph) |
CT_Spanning_tree_solver | A heuristic algorithm to solve the D-Family-matching problem by using spanning trees |
CT_Union_find_vertex_data_structure_contains | Representation of a vertex in the Union-Find data structure containing a data |
CT_Union_find_vertex_data_structure_specializes | Representation of a vertex of the Union-Find data structure inheriting a data type |
►CT_Union_find_base | Base class implementing the Union-Find data structure |
CDescendants_iterator | Iterator over the descendants of a given vertex |
CT_Union_find_contains | Union-Find data structure where the vertices contains a data. |
CT_Union_find_contains_with_map | Union-Find data structure where the vertices contains a data |
CT_Union_find_specializes | Union-Find data structure where the vertices inherit from a data type. |
CUnion_find_vertex_data_structure_base | Base representation of a vertex in the Union-Find data structure |
CUnion_find_default | Default Union-Find data structure with no data attached to the vertices. |
►NCombinations_of_variables_model_evaluation | |
CCombinations_of_variables_model_evaluation | |
COverall_default_anaysis | Overall analysis provided in our paper |
CPer_model_default_analysis | Analysis for each model provided in our paper |
CPer_model_binding_affinity_analysis | Analysis for each model provided in our paper |
►NConnectivity_inference_analysis | |
CMCI_output_preprocessing | |
CMCI_analysis | |
►NConnectivity_inference_data_structures | |
CMCI_string_tools | Cleaning/Trimming the string before use Endline characters are removed, double spaces to single spaces, space at the beginning of the line are removed |
CMCI_regex | A set of static regular expression to parse specification files and results files |
CMCI_specification | |
CMCI_set_of_contacts | |
CMCI_solutions | |
►NConnectivity_inference_engine | |
CMCI_MILP_engine | |
►NCSB | |
CT_AD_buffer | Todo |
CT_AD_stack | Todo |
►CT_Alignment_engine | Base engine for making alignments between structures and sequences. Base engine for making alignments between structures and sequences |
CIs_lower_name_pair | Predicate for comparing two pairs whatever the order of Alignment_unit_rep in each pair |
CMatrix_function | Functor for the substitution matrix. Is imposed the following properties: (i) symmetry, (ii) undefined values are 0. Thus, it is just enough to specify non null values on only one triangle of the matrix |
CT_Default_amino_acid_seqan_sequence_converter | Default converter that justs returns the input name as the seqan amino acid name, and recirpocally |
CT_Aligner_sequence_seqan_wrapper | Wrapper of the Seqan algorithm for aligning pairwise sequences |
CT_Alignment_engine_sequences_seqan | Engine for making alignments between sequences using Seqan |
CT_Alignment_engine_structures | Base engine for making alignments between structures. Base engine for making alignments between structures |
CT_Aligner_structure_apurva_wrapper | Wrapper of the Apurva algorithm for aligning pairwise structures |
CT_Alignment_engine_structures_apurva | Base engine for making alignments between structures using Apurva |
CT_Alignment_engine_structures_identity | Base engine for making alignments between two identical structures (in different conformations) |
CT_Alignment_engine_structures_iterative_identity | Base engine for making queries in a identity alignment setting for a best local fit |
CT_Alignment_engine_structures_kpax | Base engine for making alignments between structures using Kpax |
CT_Alignment_residue | Representation of a residue in the alignement engines Representation of a residue in the alignement engines |
CT_Alignment_sequence | Representation of a sequence of residues in the alignement engines Representation of a sequence of residues in the alignement engines |
►CT_Particle_vertex_base | Specialized vertex of a 3D triangulation with an attached particle |
CRebind_TDS | Rebind data structure for inheriting from a vertex data structure as specified in the CGAL library |
CT_Alpha_complex_base_3 | Class allowing to have identical template parameters for Alpha_shape and Fixed_alpha_shape classes |
CT_Alpha_complex_vertex_base_3 | Class allowing to have identical template parameters for Alpha_shape and Fixed_alpha_shape classes |
CT_Alpha_complex_cell_base_3 | Class allowing to have identical template parameters for Alpha_shape and Fixed_alpha_shape classes |
CT_Alpha_complex_of_molecular_model_traits | Class defining all the types related to the ![]() |
CT_Triangulation_of_molecular_model | Derived class from CGAL Regular triangulation for filling it with particles |
CT_Alpha_complex_of_molecular_model | Derived class from CGAL alpha-complex for filling it with particles |
CT_Bicolor_interface_data_structure_base | Container defining what is a bicolor interface between two partners |
CT_Binet_Cauchy_kernel_score | Model of Distances for defining distance between two conformations |
CT_Buried_surface_area_with_labels | Compute the buried surface area of two given partners |
CT_Buried_surface_area_without_label | Compute the buried surface area of two given partners |
CT_Canonize_conformation | Given a structure , a conformation and a C-alpha, translate and rotate the structure so that this C-alpha is at the origin, its neighbor C is on the z-axis (negative), and its neighbor N is on the zx plane (x positive) |
CT_Chains_residues_contiguous_indexer | Data structure to handle the contiguous indices of residues/un its in a chain even in the presence of missing residues/units |
CCoarse_creator_two_barycenters | |
CCoarse_creator_closest_to_barycenter | |
CCoarse_atom | |
CCoarse_residue | |
CCoarse_atoms_iterators | |
CSystem_items_with_coarse_grain | |
CT_Conformation_builder_cartesian_default | Default builder for conformations with cartesian coordinates, |
CT_Conformation_traits | Traits class to be specialized |
CT_Conformation_traits< CGAL::Point_d< Kernel > > | Class specializing SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_traits by storing the conformation as Point_d |
CT_Conformation_traits< std::vector< NT > > | Class specializing SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_traits by storing the conformation as a vector of coordinates of a user-specified type |
CT_Conformation_traits< T_Conformation_as_vector< NT > > | |
CT_Conformation_with_covalent_structure | Class enhancing a conformation with a covalent structure e.g. from the package Molecular_covalent_structure |
CT_Conformation_traits< T_Conformation_with_covalent_structure< ConformationBase, CovalentStructure > > | Class specializing SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_traits by storing the conformation enhanced by a molecular covalent structure (SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_with_covalent_structure) |
CT_Conformation_with_height | Struct SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_with_implicit_height which enhances a conformation with coordinates by adding a height |
CT_Conformation_traits< T_Conformation_with_height< ConformationBase, HeightType > > | Class specializing SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_traits by storing the conformation enhanced by a height. (SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_with_height) |
CT_Conformation_with_implicit_height | Provides the struct SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_with_implicit_height which enhances a conformation with coordinates by adding a height and also takes a functor to apply a function to the height |
CT_Conformation_traits< T_Conformation_with_implicit_height< ConformationBase, HeightFunctor > > | Class specializing SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_traits by storing the conformation enhanced by a height and a function applying onto the height. (SBL::CSB::T_Conformation_with_implicit_height) |
CDefault_system_items | |
CT_External_distance | Distance computed from an external executable (sbl-conf-distance.exe) Distance computed from an external executable (sbl-conf-distance.exe) |
CT_Get_particle_default | Model of Distance for defining distance between two conformations |
CT_Hierarchical_labels_forest | Provides a forest structure associated to the labels defined in MolecularSystemLabelsTraits |
CT_Iterative_aligner | |
CT_Iterative_aligner_identity | |
CT_Kpax | |
CT_Least_RMSD_cartesian | Model of Distances for defining distance between two conformations |
CT_Least_RMSD_cartesian_with_chirality | Model of Distances for defining distance between two conformations |
CT_Mediated_interface_data_structure_base | Container defining what is a mediated interface between two partners and a mediator |
CMolecular_alignment_default | Make an alignment between two molecules with the same numbers of atoms, with the same order |
CMolecular_atom | A class representing a molecular atom |
CT_Molecular_cartesian_coordinates | Computes the cartesian coordinates from the internal coordinates and the covalent structure of a molecular conformation |
CMolecular_chain | A class representing a molecular chain |
CMolecular_coordinates_utilities | Class with static methods for internal coordinates computations |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure | Representation of the covalent structure of a molecular conformation |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_builder_for_protein_martini | Builds a covalent structure from a given model |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_builder_for_proteins | Builds a covalent structure from a given model |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_constraints_for_proteins | Returns true iff the input conformation respects the input constraints |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_optimal | Optimized representation of the covalent structure of a molecular conformation |
CT_Molecular_geometric_model_classifier_for_alpha_complex | Functor returning true or false if a tupel of particles is represented in the alpha-complex of an input molecular model |
►CT_Molecular_interface_connected_component_data_structure | Container for interfaces edges of the alpha-complex that are connected and share the same interface |
CHave_labels | Predicate initialized with one or two labels, that checks that a vertex has an ancestor of or equal given label, or an edge has ancestors of or equal given pair of labels |
CT_Molecular_interface_data_structure_base | Container for Molecular interface connected components that share the same interface |
CT_Molecular_interfaces_builder | Construct all the primitive and hierarchical interfaces associated to a molecular model represented by an alpha-complex |
CT_Molecular_interfaces_traits | Traits class defining the different kind of molecular interfaces |
CMolecular_model | A class representing a molecular model |
CT_Bonded_particles_visitor | Defines iterator over the bonds of a covalent structure |
CT_Bond_angles_visitor | Defines iterator over the bond angles of a covalent structure |
CT_Dihedral_angles_visitor | Defines iterator over the dihedral angles of a covalent structure |
CT_Improper_angles_visitor | Defines iterator over the improper angles of a covalent structure |
CT_Phi_psi_dihedral_angles_visitor | Defines iterator over all successive pairs of dihedrals |
CT_Unbonded_particles_visitor | Defines iterator over all distinct pairs of particles |
CT_Unbonded_particles_with_threshold_visitor | Defines iterator over all distinct pairs of particles |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_bond_length_term_harmonic | Defines the standard term associated to the bond length contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_bond_angle_term_harmonic | Defines the standard term associated to the bond angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_bond_angle_term_Urey_Bradley | Defines the Urey-Bradley term associated to a bond angle |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_term_harmonic | Defines the harmonic term associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_term_periodic | Defines the periodic term associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_term_Fourier | Defines the Fourier term associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_term_Ryckaert_Bellemans | Defines the Ryckaert_Bellemans term associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution. |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_cmap_term | Defines the CMap term associated to a pair of proper dihedral angles. |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_Lennard_Jones_term | Defines the standard term associated to the Lennard Jones contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_electrostatic_term | Defines a standard term associated to the electrostatic contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_contribution | Contribution of an energy term to the potential energy function |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_bonded_contribution | Contribution of all bonded energy terms to the potential energy function |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy | Potential energy function adding up all the input contributions (C++11 only) |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_bond_length_gradient | Defines the gradient associated to the bond length |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_bond_angle_gradient | Defines the gradient associated to the bond angle |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_torsion_angle_gradient | Defines the gradient associated to the torsion angle |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_bond_length_gradient_harmonic | Defines the standard gradient associated to the bond length contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_bond_angle_gradient_harmonic | Defines the standard gradient associated to the bond angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_bond_angle_gradient_Urey_Bradley | Defines the Urey-Bradley gradient associated to a bond angle |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_gradient_harmonic | Defines the harmonic gradient associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_gradient_periodic | Defines the periodic gradient associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_gradient_Fourier | Defines the Fourier gradient associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_gradient_Ryckaert_Bellemans | Defines the Ryckaert_Bellemans gradient associated to the proper dihedral angle contribution. |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_gradient_in_linear_structure | Defines the gradient associated to the torsion angle contribution in a linear structure |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_Lennard_Jones_gradient | Defines the standard gradient associated to the Lennard Jones contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_electrostatic_gradient | Defines a standard gradient associated to the electrostatic contribution |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_gradient_contribution | Contribution of an energy gradient term to the potential energy gradient function |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_gradient | Sum of the contributions of an energy gradient term to the potential energy gradient function |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_numerical_gradient | Computes numerically the gradient of a potential energy function |
CT_Molecular_potential_energy_torsion_angle_in_linear_structure_term | Defines the term associated to the torsion angle contribution in a linear structure |
CT_Molecular_primitive_internal_coordinates | Computes the internal coordinates from the covalent structure of a molecular conformation |
CMolecular_residue | A class representing a molecular residue |
CMolecular_secondary_structure_element | A class representing a secondary structure element |
CMolecular_SS_bond | A class representing a SS bond between two residues |
CT_Molecular_structure_classifier | Classify the particles of molecular systems that are at a given interface |
CT_Molecular_structure_traits | Traits clas defining types used for the Molecular Structure Classifier |
CMolecular_system | A class representing a molecular system |
CT_Multiple_sequence_alignment_DS | |
CT_Multiple_sequence_alignment_DS_filtered | |
CT_Particle_info_for_proteins | Information on the particle to attach to the vertices of the covalent structure when using it with force fields |
CT_Particle_info_traits | Concept for manipulating particle info attached to a covalent structure |
CT_Polypeptide_chain_contacts_finder | Class to find pairwise atomic contacts withing a polypeptide chain |
CContact_map_for_one_ctype | Records pairs of interacting residues for one contact type |
CPairwise_contacts_for_polypeptide_chain | |
►CT_Polypeptide_chain_representation | Reprenstation of a single polypeptidic chain within a protein representation |
CBackbone_const_iterator | Iterator through the atoms of the polypeptide chain backbone (const) |
CBackbone_iterator | Iterator through the atoms of the polypeptide chain backbone |
CBond | Representation of a bond between two atoms |
CBond_angle | Representation of a valence angle between three atoms |
CBond_angle_const_iterator | Iterator through all the valence angles in the polypeptide chain (const) |
CBond_angle_iterator | Iterator through all the valence angles in the polypeptide chain |
CBond_const_iterator | Iterator through all the bonds in the polypeptide chain (const) |
CBond_iterator | Iterator through all the bonds in the polypeptide chain |
CDihedral_angle | Representation of a proper dihedral angle between four atoms |
CDihedral_angle_const_iterator | Iterator through all the proper dihedral angles in the polypeptide chain (const) |
CDihedral_angle_iterator | Iterator through all the proper dihedral angles in the polypeptide chain |
CIncident_atoms_const_iterator | Iterator through bonded atoms to an input atom (const) |
CIncident_atoms_iterator | Iterator through bonded atoms to an input atom |
CResidue_atoms_const_iterator | Iterator through all the atoms of an input residue (const) |
CResidue_atoms_iterator | Iterator through all the atoms of an input residue |
CT_Protein_representation | Representaiton of a protein with its polypeptide chains |
CT_Minimizer_parameters_without_constraint | Constraints for minimizing without any constraint |
CT_Real_value_function_minimizer | Minimizer of a real valued function |
CT_Minimizer_Ipopt_parameters_without_constraint | Constraints for minimizing without any constraint |
CT_Real_value_function_minimizer_Ipopt | Minimizer of a real valued function |
CT_Real_value_function_minimizer_LBFGS | Minimizer of a real valued function using the header-only library LBFGS++ |
►CT_RMSD_comb_edge_weighted | Given a set of motifs instantiates the motif graph and computes the associated combined RMSD |
CVertex_property | Vertex property for the motif graph |
CT_Score_computer_K | |
CT_Seeder_basic | Given two structures, align them using Kpax_seeder |
CT_Seeder_DP_score | Given two structures, align them using Seeder_DP_score |
CT_Squared_angular_internal_distance | Model of distance between angles of two conformations given with their internal coordinates |
CT_Angular_internal_distance | Model of Distance between angles of two conformations given with their internal coordinates |
CT_Squared_RMSD_internal_distance | Model of Distance for defining distance between two conformations |
►CT_Tertiary_quaternary_structure_annotator | Builds a graph representing the biochemical interactions between units of a protein |
CEdge_label_writer | Functor allowing to write two properties associated to a vertex or an edge into a dot file representing a graph |
CVertex_label_writer | Functor allowing to write two properties associated to a vertex into a dot file representing a graph |
CT_Transition_graph_traits_compressed | Note that all methods are static – no member data |
CT_Transition_graph_traits_standard | TG representation with explicit storage of the saddles as vertices of the TG |
CT_Tricolor_interface_data_structure_base | Container defining what is a tricolor interface between two partners |
CT_Tripeptide_loop_closure | Computes the backbone coordinates of solutions to the Tripeptide loop closure with only phi and psi bond angles changing in internal coordinates |
CT_Tripeptide_constraints_to_polynomial | Converts the Tripeptide contraints given to a 16th degree polynomial |
CT_Polynomial_solver_interface | Interface to the CGAL polynomial solver using Algebraic Number types |
CT_TLC_polynomial_roots_to_embedings | Converts polynomial roots to embeddings using values defined in T_Tripeptide_constraints_to_polynomial |
CT_Tripeptide_anchors | Anchor atoms around the moving atoms for the tripeptide loop closure |
CT_Tripeptide_constraints | Constraints used to solve the tripeptide loop closure |
CContants_for_embedding | Values obtained when converting constraints to polynomial coefficients and used once more to convert roots to cartesian embeddings of solution in tripeptide loop closure |
CT_Molecular_interface_connected_component_oserialization | Serialization of a connected component of a molecular interface |
CT_Molecular_interface_oserialization | Serialization of a molecular interface |
CT_Bicolor_interface_oserialization | Serialization of a bicolor interface |
CT_Mediated_interface_oserialization | Serialization of a mediated interface |
CT_Tricolor_interface_oserialization | Serialization of a tricolor interface |
►NDB_hit_manager | |
CHit_info | |
CHits_manager | |
CHits_manager_no_annotations | |
►NDB_manipulators | |
CUniprot_wrapper | |
CNCBI_wrapper | |
►NGT | |
CWL_histo_change_measure | Change from measure pi to measure mu, see paper |
CT_Combined_Move_Params | Collect into a tuple the params of all move sets |
CT_Combined_Move_Stats | Collect into a tuple the stats of all move sets |
CCombined_WL_Move_Set_Data_Interface | Class for the i-th move set to access its data stored in the WL DS To see how it works: index i: generates a new interface for a MS: in each bin: data for each MS for a combined MS: in each bin: tuple for all MS class on top on the interface, to access the data of the i-th MS |
CT_Combined_Move_Set_Controller | Contoler : controls the MS WL calls the controller of the combined MS, which (recursively, thanks to templates) calls the defered controllers |
CT_Combined_Move_Set | As above, but for move sets rather than controllers |
CDarting_Move_Params | Darting Move set Params |
CDarting_Move_Stats | Darting Move set Stats |
CT_Darting_Move_Set_Controller | Darting Move set Controller |
CT_Darting_Move_Set | Darting Move set. Physical conformation needs a function get_grad, compute_energy and get_energy and a member data |
CDarting_Move_Set_Traits | Darting Move set traits (see paper for details of internal working) |
CGaussian_Move_Params | Gaussian Move params |
CGaussian_Move_Stats | Gaussian Move Set stats |
CT_Gaussian_Move_Set_Controller | Gaussian Move Set controller |
CT_Gaussian_Move_Set | Gaussian Move Set |
CGaussian_Move_Set_Traits | Gaussian Move Set, simplest move set provided. Propose a move sampled from a normal distribution centered on the starting point |
CNo_Overstep_Cone_Move_Params | No overstep cone move set params |
CNo_Overstep_Cone_Move_Stats | No overstep cone move set stats |
CT_No_Overstep_Cone_Move_Set_Controller | No overstep cone move set controller |
CT_No_Overstep_Cone_Move_Set | No overstep cone move set |
CNo_Overstep_Cone_Move_Set_Traits | No overstep cone move set traits: a move set that aims to sample neighbourings energy strata, and uses the cone strategy for better mixing. See paper for details |
CNo_Overstep_Move_Params | No overstep move set params |
CNo_Overstep_Move_Stats | No overstep move set stats |
CT_No_Overstep_Move_Set_Controller | No overstep move set controller |
CT_No_Overstep_Move_Set | No overstep move set |
CNo_Overstep_Move_Set_Traits | No overstep move set traits: a move set that aims to sample neighbourings energy strata. See paper for details |
►CT_Wang_Landau | This is the main class that runs a Wang-Landau simulation |
CRoll_Back_Restoration_Point | Informotion used to roll back, including the states for random number generators |
CWL_DS_Interface | Class used by the move set controllers (one for each move set), to access information stored in the DS Nb: for WL, there is a single move set, the combined one |
CT_WL_Data_Structure_MS | This class specializes its internal counterpart to record additional info used by move sets |
CT_Bin_properties | This class extends Bin_properties to record info from the move sets |
CT_DS_conformation | This class contains a conformation from the physical system, to which we append information on the energy and the bin index |
CT_DS_snapshot_default | A class storing the main pieces of information, at a given time stamp in the course of the algorithm |
CT_WL_Data_Structure_Internal | Bin management: main data structure used by Wang_landau algorithm |
CBin_properties_Internal | The Bin_properties struct defines which properties are stored per bin. by default, the density and the histogram, plus some custom user-defined stats |
CWL_stats_serializer | Helper class which stores into files: |
CT_WL_Simulation | |
CT_WL_Simulation_Gaussian | Specialisation of T_WL_Simulation for Gaussian move set |
CT_WL_Simulation_No_Overstep | Specialisation of T_WL_Simulation for No overstep move set |
CT_ANN_FLANN_wrapper | Nearest neighbor engine from FLANN library |
CT_ANN_meta | Nearest neighbor engine designed for metric spaces |
CT_ANN_metric_space_LAESA | Nearest neighbor engine designed for metric spaces |
CT_ANN_metric_space_proximity_tree | Nearest neighbor engine designed for metric spaces |
CT_Betti_numbers_1 | Compute the Betti numbers of a Graph |
CT_Betti_numbers_2 | Compute the Betti numbers of a 3D Cell Complex from its alpha-complex |
CT_Cluster_engine_k_means_center_of_mass | Representation of a center of mass in k-means algorithm |
CT_Cluster_engine_k_means_point_selector_random | Select randomly the initial centers of mass for k-means algorithm |
CT_Cluster_engine_k_means_point_selector_plus_plus | Select initial centers of mass using the ++ strategy |
CT_Cluster_engine_k_means_point_selector_minimax | Select initial centers of mass by maximizing the min distance between centers of mass at each selection step |
CT_Cluster_engine_k_means | K-means algorithm |
CT_Cluster_engine_k_means_com_euclidean | Representation of a center of mass for k-means in Euclidean spaces |
CT_Cluster_engine_k_means_com_Sd | Representation of a center of mass in k-means algorithm |
CK_means_scores | Various scores for K_means |
CT_Cluster_engine_Morse_theory_based | Morse theory based clustering algorithm |
CT_Spectral_clustering | Spectral clustering algorithm from Ng et al at NeurIPS 2001 |
►CT_Delaunay_triangulation_extension_3 | Defines simple predicates and constructions structure over a triangulation |
CGet_area_of_dual_of_edge | Given the dual of an edge, compute its area |
CGet_dual_of_edge | Given an edge, return its dual as a container of points |
CGet_dual_of_facet | Given a facet, return its dual as a segment |
CGet_squared_length_of_dual_of_facet | Given a facet, return the squared length of its dual segment |
►CT_Delaunay_triangulation_spherical_traits_3_base | Model for the base of a geometric kernel for T_Delaunay_triangulation_spherical_traits_3 |
CBase | Base for the kernel |
CT_Delaunay_triangulation_spherical_traits_3 | Kernel used for computations involving exact number types for coordinates of boundary points |
CT_Frechet_mean_S1 | This class computes local and global minimums of the sum of p exponent distance function |
CT_Stable_manifold_as_list_traits | Simple representation of a stable manifold as a list of points |
CT_Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex | Representation of the complex of the same name |
CT_Distance_default_for_graph | Base distance over vertices of a graph |
CT_Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex_from_NNG_builder | Builds the Morse Smale Witten chain complex from a NNG |
CT_Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex_from_weighted_graph_builder | Builds the Morse Smale Witten chain complex from a weighted graph |
CT_Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex_from_vertex_weighted_graph_builder | Builds the Morse Smale Witten chain complex from a vertex weighted graph |
CT_Morse_theory_based_analyzer | Analysis of a Morse Smale Witten chain complex |
CNearest_neighbors_graph_builder | Builder for nearest neighbors graphs |
CNearest_neighbors_graph_builder_with_edge_weight | Builder for nearest neighbors graphs |
CT_NN_linear_scan | Naive algorithm looking for the nearest neighbors of a point in a database w.r.t a metric space Naive algorithm looking for the nearest neighbors of a point in a database w.r.t a metric space |
CT_Splitter_default | Nearest neighbor engine designed for metric spaces |
CT_NN_metric_tree | Nearest neighbor engine designed for metric spaces |
CT_Point_cloud_rigid_registration_3 | Model of Distances for defining distance between two point clouds |
CT_Squared_RMSD_cartesian_3 | Squared RMSD distance between two 3D point clouds |
CT_RMSD_cartesian_3 | RMSD distance between two 3D point clouds |
CT_Squared_Least_RMSD_cartesian_3 | Perform a 3D rigid registration between two 3D point clouds, then computes the squared RMSD distance between the two aligned clouds |
CT_Least_RMSD_cartesian_3 | Perform a 3D rigid registration between two 3D point clouds, then computes the RMSD distance between the two aligned clouds |
CT_Rotation_3 | Static 3d rotation methods |
►CT_Spherical_kernel_extension_3 | Extension completing the 3D Spherical kernel of CGAL. |
CIs_counter_clockwise_oriented | Check that an oriented edge and a point on the circular arc represented by this edge defines a counter clockwise orientation |
CIs_largest_circular_arc_3 | Returns a sign that is negative if the input circular arc is the largest one, positive if its opposite, and 0 if its angle is PI |
COrientation_with_roots_3 | Orientation predicate allowing input numbers as Root_of_2 |
►CT_Triangulation_extension_3_base | Defines simple predicates and constructions structure over a triangulation |
CCanonical_edge | Canonical representation of an edge in the 3D Triangulation |
CCanonical_facet | Canonical representation of a facet in the 3D Triangulation |
CGet_common_facet | Given two cells, return the common facet of the two cells |
CGet_other_two_edges | Given an edge and a facet bounding it, return the two other edges of the facet |
CIs_coface | Check that a simplex is the coface of a second simplex |
CIs_counter_clockwise_oriented | Predicate checking that a facet of the 3D triangulation is counter-clockwise oriented |
CT_Vertex_handle_with_order | Check that a simplex is the coface of a second simplex |
CT_Triangulation_extension_3 | Defines simple predicates and constructions structure over a triangulation |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_builder | Functor filling a HDS of the Boundary of an union of balls |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_item_info | Attached a simplex of the ![]() |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_vertex | Representation of a vertex in the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_half_edge | Representation of a half-edge in the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_face | Representation of a face in the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_items | Instantiation of face, half-edge and vertex tpes of the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_data_structure | Representation of the boundary of the union of balls |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_side | Construction of the mesh of the union of 3D balls such that any point at the surface of the union of balls has a point of the mesh in its epsilon-neighborhood |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_patch_shelling_3 | Shelling diagram of a patch on the boundary of the union of 3D balls |
CT_Union_of_balls_epsilon_mesh_3 | Construction of the mesh of the union of 3D balls such that any point at the surface of the union of balls has a point of the mesh in its epsilon-neighborhood |
CT_Union_of_balls_medial_axis_3_builder | Algorithm constructing the medial axis of an union of balls |
CT_Union_of_balls_medial_axis_3_face | Representation of a face in the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_medial_axis_3_items | Instantiation of face, half-edge and vertex tpes of the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_medial_axis_3_data_structure | Representation of the medial-axis of the union of balls |
CT_Union_of_balls_medial_axis_3_vertex | Representation of a vertex in the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_medial_axis_3_halfedge | Representation of a half-edge in the half-edge data structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_surface_volume_3 | Algorithm computing the surface area and the volume of the union of 3D balls |
►NHMMER_Wrapper | |
CHMM | |
►NIO | |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_vertex_base_3< Gt, Vb > > | Uses the Molecular viewer of the base vertex of the fixed 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb >, Allocator >, Const >, int, int > > | Views in Molecular format the segment represented by the input edge of a fixed 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb >, Allocator >, Const >, int > > | Views in Molecular format the triangle represented by the input facet of a fixed 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_3< Dt > * > | Views in Molecular format the edges and facets of the input fixed 3D ![]() ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< const CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_3< Dt > *, typename CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_3< Dt >::Edge > > | Views in Molecular format the facet dual of the input edge of a fixed 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< const CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_3< Dt > *, typename CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_3< Dt >::Facet > > | Views in Molecular format the edge dual of the input facet of a fixed 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Alpha_shape_vertex_base_3< Gt, Vb, ExactAlphaComparisonTag, Weight_tag > > | Uses the Molecular viewer of the base vertex of the 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Alpha_shape_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb, ExactAlphaComparisonTag, Weight_tag >, Allocator >, Const >, int, int > > | Views in Molecular format the segment represented by the input edge of a 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Alpha_shape_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb, ExactAlphaComparisonTag, Weight_tag >, Allocator >, Const >, int > > | Views in Molecular format the triangle represented by the input facet of a 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Alpha_shape_3< Dt, ExactAlphaComparisonTag > * > | Views in Molecular format the edges and facets of the input 3D ![]() ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< const CGAL::Alpha_shape_3< Dt, ExactAlphaComparisonTag > *, typename CGAL::Alpha_shape_3< Dt, ExactAlphaComparisonTag >::Edge > > | Views in Molecular format the facet dual of the input edge of a 3D ![]() |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< const CGAL::Alpha_shape_3< Dt, ExactAlphaComparisonTag > *, typename CGAL::Alpha_shape_3< Dt, ExactAlphaComparisonTag >::Facet > > | Views in Molecular format the edge dual of the input facet of a 3D ![]() |
CT_Archive_file_loader | Loader for one or more boost archive files |
CT_Conformation_loader | Class for loading conformations from a list of PDB / cif files, or from a plain txt file listing the conformations as Point_d. Class for loading conformations from a list of PDB / cif files, or from a plain txt file listing the conformations as Point_d |
CT_Index_wrapper | Wrapper for indices where the IO dumping may be different from the index itself |
CLoader_base | Base loader from which any loader should inherit |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_loader | Loader for covalent structures from PDB / mmCIF files |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_loader_from_MOL | Loader for covalent structures from MOL files |
CT_Molecular_covalent_structure_loader_from_PDB | Loader for covalent structures from PDB files using ESBTL |
CT_Molecular_system_loader | Class for loading molecular systems |
CMolecular_view | Base class for viewing an object in one of the available format (VMD, PyMOL) |
CT_Multiple_archives_serialization_xml_iarchive | XML input archive coupling the data from a secondary archive to the main xml archive |
CT_Multiple_archives_serialization_xml_oarchive | XML output archive decoupling the data to put in the archive and data to possibly put in a secondary file |
CT_Multiple_archives_xml_archive_file_loader | Loader for one or more multiple archives xml archive files |
CT_Numbers_file_loader | Loader for files listing numbers |
CMolecular_view< T_VMD_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Point_3< K > > | Views a 3D point in VMD format |
CMolecular_view< T_PyMOL_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Point_3< K > > | Views a 3D point in PyMOL format |
CMolecular_view< T_VMD_viewer< Dummy >, std::pair< CGAL::Point_3< K >, CGAL::Point_3< K > > > | Views a 3D segment in VMD format |
CMolecular_view< T_PyMOL_viewer< Dummy >, std::pair< CGAL::Point_3< K >, CGAL::Point_3< K > > > | Views a 3D segment in PyMOL format |
CMolecular_view< T_VMD_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::Point_3< K >, CGAL::Point_3< K >, CGAL::Point_3< K > > > | Views a 3D triangle in VMD format |
CMolecular_view< T_PyMOL_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::Point_3< K >, CGAL::Point_3< K >, CGAL::Point_3< K > > > | Views a 3D triangle in PyMOL format |
CT_Primitive_labels_loader | Loader for systems' labels specification. Loader for systems' labels specification |
CT_Protein_representation_loader | Loader for proteins from PDB and mmCIF files using SBL |
CT_PyMOL_viewer | Viewer writing in PyMOL file format |
CPyMOL_viewer | Viewer writing in PyMOL file format |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Regular_triangulation_vertex_base_3< Gt, Vb > > | Views in Molecular format the point represented by the input vertex of a 3D triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Regular_triangulation_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb >, Allocator >, Const >, int, int > > | Views in molecular format the segment represented by the input edge of a 3D regular triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Regular_triangulation_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb >, Allocator >, Const >, int > > | Views in Molecular format the triangle represented by the input facet of a 3D triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Regular_triangulation_3< Gt, Tds > * > | Views in Molecular format the edges and facets of the input 3D regular triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< const CGAL::Regular_triangulation_3< Gt, Tds > *, typename CGAL::Regular_triangulation_3< Gt, Tds >::Edge > > | Views in Molecular format the facet dual of the input edge of the input 3D regular triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< const CGAL::Regular_triangulation_3< Gt, Tds > *, typename CGAL::Regular_triangulation_3< Gt, Tds >::Facet > > | Views in Molecular format the edge dual of the input facet of the input 3D regular triangulation |
CMolecular_view< T_VMD_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Sphere_3< K > > | Views in VMD format a 3D sphere. |
CMolecular_view< T_PyMOL_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Sphere_3< K > > | Views in PyMOL format a 3D sphere. |
CT_Transition_graph_loader | Loader for one or more boost archive files |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_3< Gt, Vb > > | Views in Molecular format the point represented by the input vertex of a 3D triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_3< Info, Gt, Vb > > | Views in Molecular format the point represented by the input vertex of a 3D triangulation (when info is attached) |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Triangulation_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb >, Allocator >, Const >, int, int > > | Views in Molecular format the segment represented by the input edge of a 3D triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, std::pair< CGAL::internal::CC_iterator< CGAL::Compact_container< CGAL::Triangulation_cell_base_3< Gt, Cb >, Allocator >, Const >, int > > | Views in Molecular format the triangle represented by the input facet of a 3D triangulation |
CMolecular_view< Viewer, CGAL::Triangulation_3< Gt, Tds > * > | Views in Molecular format the edges and facets of the input 3D triangulation |
CVMD_viewer | Viewer writing in VMD file format |
CMolecular_view< T_VMD_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight > > | Views in VMD format a 3D sphere represented by the input 3D weighted point |
CMolecular_view< T_PyMOL_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight > > | Views in PyMOL format a 3D sphere represented by the input 3D weighted point |
CMolecular_view< T_VMD_viewer< Dummy >, std::pair< CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight > > > | Views in VMD format a 3D segment represented by the two input 3D weighted points |
CMolecular_view< T_PyMOL_viewer< Dummy >, std::pair< CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight > > > | Views in PyMOL format a 3D segment represented by the two input 3D weighted points |
CMolecular_view< T_VMD_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight > > > | Views in VMD format a 3D triangle represented by the three input 3D weighted points |
CMolecular_view< T_PyMOL_viewer< Dummy >, CGAL::Triple< CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight >, CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, Weight > > > | Views in PyMOL format a 3D triangle represented by the three input 3D weighted points |
►Nmcibootstrap_iterative | |
CMCI_bootstrap | |
►NModels | |
CAB_label_traits | Traits class defining partners' labels for binary molecular complexes A and B. Traits class defining partners' labels for binary molecular complexes A and B |
►CT_Atom_with_flat_info_and_annotations_traits | Defines a generic serializable atom with annotations (default is name, radius and optional annotations) |
CGet_geometric_representation | Functor returning a weighted point representing the atom |
CT_Atom_with_flat_info | Wrapper representing the atom |
►CT_Atom_with_flat_info_traits | Traits class defining atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties). Traits class defining atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties) |
CAtom_with_flat_infos_builder | Builder for containers of Particle_type |
CGet_geometric_representation | Functor returning a weighted point representing the atom |
►CT_Atom_with_hierarchical_info_and_annotations_traits | Traits class defining atoms traits with annotations (at least name and radius). Traits class defining atoms traits with annotations (at least name and radius) |
CGet_geometric_representation | Functor returning a weighted point representing the atom |
►CT_Atom_with_hierarchical_info_traits | Traits class defining atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties). Traits class defining atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties) |
CGet_geometric_representation | Functor returning a weighted point representing the atom |
►CT_Chain_label_traits | Model of MolecularSystemLabelTraits for chains |
CPrimitive_label_classifier | Functor returning a pair classifying a particle |
CChain_label_traits | Model of MolecularSystemLabelTraits for chains |
CT_Conformation_builder_cartesian_default | Default builder for conformations with cartesian coordinates Default builder for conformations with cartesian coordinates |
CT_Conformations_file_loader | Application allowing to load conformations from a list of PDB files using ESBTL, or from a plain txt file listing the conformations as Point_d |
CDefault_radii_for_particles_with_annotated_name | Default radii for atoms and pseudo-atoms as residues |
CT_Domain_annotator_for_particles | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing a domain to atoms. Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing a domain to atoms |
►CT_Domain_label_traits | Model of MolecularSystemLabelTraits for molecular complexes defined in a file. |
CPrimitive_label_classifier | Functor returning a pair classifying a particle |
CDomain_label_traits | Model of MolecularSystemLabelTraits for molecular complexes defined in a file |
►CT_Dynamic_annotator_for_atoms | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing any annotation to a particle dynamically |
CT_Annotations_with_dynamic | Default class for representing dynamic annotations (it refines a base class of annotations) |
CT_Annotations_with_dynamic< void, DynamicAnnotation > | Default class for representing dynamic annotations (it is a base class of annotations) |
CSet_dynamic_annotation_default | Default data structure adding a dynamic annotation to a particle |
CT_Dynamic_annotator_for_residues | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing any annotation to a particle dynamically |
►CExtra_label_traits | Traits class defining one extra's label. Traits class defining one extra's label |
CPrimitive_label_classifier | Functor returning a pair classifying a particle |
CT_Generic_annotator | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing any annotation to a particle |
CT_Generic_annotator_without_file | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing any annotation to a particle without loading a file |
CGet_annotator_option_name_default | Returns a string that is the default option name for generic annotators |
CGet_annotator_option_help_default | Returns a string that is the default option help for generic annotators |
CGet_annotator_option_display_name_default | Returns a string that is the default display name of options for generic annotators |
CMake_no_annotation_key | Returns false, whatever is the entry |
►CT_Geometric_particle_traits | Particle represented by a simple geometric object (a 3D point, a 3D sphere or a 3D weighted point) |
CGet_geometric_representation | Functor returning a weighted point representing the atom |
►CT_IG_label_traits | [definition] |
CPrimitive_label_classifier | Functor returning a pair classifying a particle |
CIG_label_traits | Traits class defining hierarchical partners' labels for immunoglobulin (IG). Traits class defining hierarchical partners' labels for immunoglobulin (IG) |
CIGAg_label_traits | Traits class defining hierarchical partners' labels for immunoglobulin (IG) with an antigen (Ag). Traits class defining hierarchical partners' labels for immunoglobulin (IG) with an antigen (Ag) |
CT_Moveset_atomic | Moveset from each particle of a conformation |
CT_Moveset_global | Moveset of the conformation as a whole |
CT_Moveset_interpolation | Moveset of the conformation by interpolation between two conformations |
CT_Name_annotator_for_atoms | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing a name to an atom |
CName_annotator_for_atoms_setter_default | Default annotated name setter, using the method set_annotated_name of the input particle |
CT_Name_annotator_for_pseudo_atoms | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing a name to a pseudo-atom |
CName_annotator_for_pseudo_atoms_setter_default | Default annotated name setter, using the method set_annotated_name of the input particle |
►CNo_label_traits | Traits class defining no system's label. Traits class defining no system's label |
CPrimitive_label_classifier | Functor returning a pair classifying a particle |
CNo_particle_annotator | Annotator that does not do anything |
►COne_label_traits | Traits class defining one partner's label. Traits class defining one partner's label |
CPrimitive_label_classifier | Functor returning a pair classifying a particle |
CT_Particle_annotator_collector | Collector for models of ParticleAnnotator |
CT_Particle_with_annotations | Traits class defining particles traits with annotations |
CT_Particle_with_annotations_traits | Traits class defining patricles traits with annotations |
►CT_Particle_with_system_label | Model of Particle with a system's label |
CSystem_label | Representation of a system's label, that can be either a partner, a mediator or an extra label |
CT_Particle_with_system_label_traits | Model of ParticleTraits for defining particles with a system's label |
CT_PDB_file_loader | Loader for one or more PDB files, even listed in a file. Loader for one or more PDB files, even listed in a file |
CT_Points_d_file_loader | Loader for one or more txt files listing dD points Loader for one or more txt files listing dD points |
►CT_Pseudo_atom_per_residue_spec_with_flat_info_and_annotations_traits | Traits class defining pseudo-atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties). Traits class defining pseudo-atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties) |
CGet_geometric_representation | Functor returning a weighted point representing the coarse atom |
CT_Pseudo_atom_per_residue_spec_with_flat_info | Wrapper representing the coarse atom |
►CT_Pseudo_atom_per_residue_spec_with_flat_info_traits | Traits class defining pseudo-atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties). Traits class defining pseudo-atoms traits (biophysical and geometric properties) |
CGet_geometric_representation | Functor returning a weighted point representing the atom |
CT_Name_and_radius_annotations | Base annotations for a default atom (name and radius) |
CT_Radius_annotator_for_particles_with_annotated_name | Model of ParticleAnnotator for attributing a radius to an atom |
CRadius_annotator_for_particles_with_annotated_name_setter_default | Default radius setter, using the method set_radius of the input particle |
CT_Spheres_3_file_loader | Loader for one or more txt files listing 3D spheres |
CT_Unit_system_traits_AKMA | Traits class defining the types used in the AKMA unit system Traits class defining the types used in the AKMA unit system |
CT_Unit_system_traits_for_potential_energy | Traits class defining the types used in an input system with eneriched types used in potential energy calculations Traits class defining the types used in an input system with eneriched types used in potential energy calculations |
CT_Unit_system_traits_none_AKMA | Traits class defining dimensionless types for AKMA Traits class defining dimensionless types for AKMA |
CT_Unit_system_traits_none_MD | Traits class defining dimensionless types for MD Traits class defining dimensionless types for MD |
►CWater_label_traits | Traits class defining mediators' labels for water. Traits class defining mediators' labels for water |
CPrimitive_label_classifier | Functor returning a pair classifying a particle |
CT_XTC_file_loader | Application allowing to load conformations from a list of PDB files using ESBTL, or from a plain txt file listing the conformations as Point_d |
►NModules | |
CT_Alignment_sequences_module | Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two sequences Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two sequences |
CT_Alignment_structures_module | Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two structures Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two structures |
CT_Alpha_complex_of_molecular_model_module | Module building the alpha-complex of an input set of particles. Module building the alpha-complex of an input set of particles |
CT_Buried_surface_area_with_labels_module | Module building the buried surface areas from the alpha-complex of a molecular model. Module building the buried surface areas from the alpha-complex of a molecular model |
CT_Buried_surface_area_without_label_module | Module building the buried surface area of a partner from the alpha-complex of a molecular model. Module building the buried surface area of a partner from the alpha-complex of a molecular model |
CT_Cluster_engine_module | Module which computes clusters from a cloud of points Module which computes clusters from a cloud of points |
CT_Earth_mover_distance_module | Application's module instantiating the eartyh mover distance algorithm |
CT_Module_option_description | Base module from which any module should inherit |
CModule_base | Base module from which any module should inherit |
►CT_Module_based_workflow | Internal base for the workflow |
CEdge_property_label_writer | Writer of properties of an edge of the graph in .dot format |
CGraph_property_label_writer | Writer of properties of the graph in .dot format |
CVertex_property_label_writer | Writer of properties of a vertex of the graph in .dot format |
CModule_based_workflow | Representaiont of the workflow of an application enriched with default options |
CT_Module_condition | Condition module for selecting one of two possible outflows |
CT_Module_conjunction | Conjunction module linking two input modules or loaders with an and operator |
CT_Molecular_interfaces_module | Module building the bicolor, mediated and tricolor interfaces of a molecular structure. Module building the bicolor, mediated and tricolor interfaces of a molecular structure |
CT_Bicolor_interface_oserialization | Serialization of a bicolor interface |
CT_Mediated_interface_oserialization | Serialization of a mediated interface |
CT_Tricolor_interface_oserialization | Serialization of a tricolor interface |
CT_Molecular_interfaces_module_statistics | Application's module_statistics for building the alpha-complex of a molecular model. |
CT_Molecular_structure_classifier_module | Module classifying the particles of a molecular structure following their system's labels. Module classifying the particles of a molecular structure following their system's labels |
CT_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_module | Generic manager for reading arguments of the program and run the calculations |
CT_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_for_NNG_module | Generic manager for reading arguments of the program and run the calculations |
CT_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_for_vertex_weighted_graph_module | Generic manager for reading arguments of the program and run the calculations |
CT_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_for_weighted_graph_module | Generic manager for reading arguments of the program and run the calculations |
CT_Nearest_neighbors_graph_builder_module | Generic manager for reading arguments of the program and run the calculations |
CT_RMSD_comb_edge_weighted_module | Undefined. Undefined |
CT_Spatial_search_module | Module building a data base for spatial-search from an input set of points. Module building a data base for spatial-search from an input set of points |
CT_Tertiary_quaternary_structure_annotator_module | Module building the Biochemical Interfaces Graph of a molecular structure |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_module | Module building the boundary of the union of input 3D balls. Module building the boundary of the union of input 3D balls |
CT_Union_of_balls_boundary_patch_shelling_3_module | Module computing the shelling order forests of particles in a binding patch. Module computing the shelling order forests of particles in a binding patch |
CT_Union_of_balls_mesh_3_module | Module computing a sampling of an input boundary of the union of 3D balls. Module computing a sampling of an input boundary of the union of 3D balls |
►CT_Union_of_balls_surface_volume_3_module | Module computing the surface area and the volume of the union of an input set of 3D balls. Module computing the surface area and the volume of the union of an input set of 3D balls |
CUnion_of_balls_surface_volume_3 | Contains pointers over two functors for computing the volumes and surfaces areas with different level of exactness |
►NMolecular_cradle_step1 | |
CCradle_step1 | |
►NMolecular_cradle_step2 | |
CCradle_step2 | |
►NMolecular_cradle_step2_selected | |
CCradle_step2_selected | |
►NMolecular_cradle_step3 | |
CCradle_step3 | |
►NMolecular_cradle_utils_dendogram | |
CMatrix_processor | |
CDendogram_processor | |
►NMolecular_cradle_utils_distance | |
CDistance_calculator | |
►NMolecular_cradle_utils_label_selection | |
CLabel_selector | |
►NMultiple_interface_string_alignment | |
CResidue_mapping | |
CChain_instances | |
CInterface_oneside | |
CInterface_strings | |
CInterface_pool | |
CMISA_constructor | |
CPython_dico_vs_XML_Etree | |
CBioPDB_vs_XML_Etree | |
CPALSE_xml_DB | |
CPALSE_DS_manipulator | |
CPALSE_statistic_handle | |
►NPDB_complex_to_unbound_partners_matchings | |
CPDB_complex_to_unbound_partners_matcher | |
►NProtein_complex_analysis_molecular_data_structures | |
CAtom_data | The properties of an atom as given by vorshell + vorlume |
CResidue_contact_data | The properties of a residue as given by vorshell + vorlume |
CAtomic_contact_data | Information about contacts between atoms |
CResidue_data | The properties of a residue as given by vorshell + vorlume |
CChain_data | Essentially a collection of Residue_data |
CFile_data | Essentially a collection of Chain_data |
CComplex_data_collector | |
►NSBL_Genetrank_gene_radar_scatter_plot | |
CGenetrank_gene_radar | |
►NSBL_Genetrank_gene_to_protein | |
CGenetrank_Translations | |
CGenetrank_GeneProteinTranslator | |
►NSBL_Genetrank_network_statistical_analysis | |
CGenetrank_network_statistical_analysis | |
►NSequence_annotators | |
CFeature | Undefined |
CAnnotated_sequence | |
CPhobius_annotator | |
►NSequence_filters | |
CTransmembrane_filter | |
CClass_II_filter | |
CSBL_init_tools | Accessing env variable |
Cbranch_and_bound | |
Cdp_mat_apurva | |
CGet_not_annotator_option_name | Returns empty option name |
Clambda_matrix | |
CModules_collection | Base module from which any module should inherit |
Cparameters | |
Cproblem | |
CMCI_Contact | |
CMCI_Oligomers | |
CB_factor_color_engine | |
CB_factor_coloring_parser | |
CBSA_color_engine | |
CBSA_coloring_parser | |
CcMISA_constructor | |
CcMISA_recorder | |
CColorbarTools | |
CColored_MISA | |
CCompute_interface_lRMSD | |
CCreate_And_Compute_iRMSD | |
CDefault_color_engine | |
CDelta_ASA_color_engine | |
CDelta_ASA_coloring_parser | |
CExtract_shared_PDB_interface | |
CMISA_input_specification_parser | |
CPlot_tools | |
CResSelector | |
CSSE_color_engine | |
CSSE_coloring_parser | |
CPPIN_application | |
CPPIN_gene_radar_scatter_plot | |
CGenetrank_simulation_input | |
CPPIN_simulation | |
CPPIN_simulation_result | |
CPPIN_multiple_simulation_statistics | |
CPPIN_simulation_statistics | |
CPPIN_simulation_visualizations | |
CT_Minimal_oritend_spanning_forest_module | Module building the minimal spanning forest of a weighted bipartite graph Module building the minimal spanning forest of a weighted bipartite graph |