string | path1 = './lrmsd_matrices/' |
| Step 1 : write rmsd distance matrix per subdomain per state in a folder. More...
string | path2 = './lrmsd_stat/' |
| Step 2 : write lrmsd statistics (lrmsd average, median, std, min and max) intra- and inter-state. More...
| writer_3_options = Cradle_utils_label_selection_options(self.m_options.m_idir, self.m_options.m_pdbfiles, self.m_options.m_pdb_info, self.m_options.m_state_map_file, self.m_options.m_spec_files) |
| Step 3 : compute mean displacement per subdomain from bfactor. More...
| selector_1 = Subdomain_Selector_1(path2) |
| Step 4 : write summary table comparing mean displacement to lrmsd per subdomain intra and inter-state. More...
Selection of subdomains which are dynamic, see paper The selection of dynamic subdomains hinges on 4 steps 1) Compute RMSDcomb for specifed subdomains 2) write statistics of RMSDcomb per subdomain intra- and inter-states 3) compute mean displacement per subdomain 4) Write table comparing mean displacement to lrmsd per subdomain intra- and inter-states.