Structural Bioinformatics Library
Template C++ / Python API for developping structural bioinformatics applications.
T_Conformations_file_loader< ConformationType, ConformationBuilder, ESBTLMolecularSystem, PDBLineFormat > Class Template Reference

Application allowing to load conformations from a list of PDB files using ESBTL, or from a plain txt file listing the conformations as Point_d. More...

#include <Conformations_file_loader.hpp>

Public Member Functions

virtual boost::program_options::options_description add_options (void)
 Virtual method for adding options to the module. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static boost::program_options::options_description *& get_options (void)
 Access to the options' description of the module. More...


 T_Conformations_file_loader (void)
 Default Constructor. More...


boost::program_options::options_description add_options (void) const
const std::string & get_input_file_name (void) const
 Return the name of the input file when only one is given. More...
const std::string & get_input_file_name (unsigned i) const
 Return the name of the ith input file. More...
unsigned get_model_number (void) const
 Return the number of the model used in the PDB files. More...
bool is_loaded_water (void) const
 Check that water molecules are loaded. More...
void set_occupancy_policy (unsigned policy)
void set_loaded_water (bool b)
bool is_loaded_hydrogen (void) const
 Check that hydrogen are loaded. More...
void set_loaded_hydrogen (bool b)
void set_loaded_chains (const std::string &loaded_chains)
void save_ensembles (void)
static void add_input_pdb_file_name (const std::string &file_name)
 Add manually the name of an input PDB file. More...
static void add_input_points_file_name (const std::string &file_name)
 Add manually the name of an input Points file. More...
static void set_model_number (unsigned i)


unsigned get_number_of_loaded_geometric_model_ensembles (void) const
 Number of loaded Conformations ensembles. More...
const Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble (unsigned i) const
 ith Conformations ensemble (const). More...
Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble (unsigned i)
 ith Conformations ensemble. More...
const Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble (void) const
 Conformations ensemble. (use only if one input file was provided) (const). More...
Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble (void)
 onformations ensemble. (use only if one input file was provided). More...


bool load (unsigned verbose=false, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
 Load function. More...
std::string get_output_prefix (void) const
 Returns a prefix that concatains the input line options used when running the module. More...
std::string get_name (void) const
 Return the name of the class itself. More...
bool check_options (std::string &message) const
 Checks that the input options' values are coherent. More...


void set_loader_instance_name (const std::string &loader_instance_name)
const std::string & get_loader_instance_name (void) const

Detailed Description

template<class ConformationType = CGAL::Cartesian_d<ESBTL::CGAL::EPIC_kernel_with_atom::FT>::Point_d, class ConformationBuilder = T_Conformation_builder_cartesian_default<ConformationType>, class ESBTLMolecularSystem = ESBTL::Molecular_system<ESBTL::Default_system_items, ESBTL::CGAL::EPIC_kernel_with_atom::Point_3>, class PDBLineFormat = ESBTL::PDB::Line_format<>>
class SBL::Models::T_Conformations_file_loader< ConformationType, ConformationBuilder, ESBTLMolecularSystem, PDBLineFormat >

Application allowing to load conformations from a list of PDB files using ESBTL, or from a plain txt file listing the conformations as Point_d.

It combines the options from the SBL::Models::T_PDB_file_loader and the SBL::Models::T_Points_d_file_loader

Template Parameters
ConformationTypeRepresentation of a conformation as a point in dimension D, where D is three times the number of particles in the conformation.
ConformationBuilderFunctor building a conformation from a dD point or a molecular model from the ESBTL.
ESBTLMolecularSystemRepresentation of a molecular system in ESBTL (default is ESBTL::Default_system)
PDBLineFormatFormat of a line in a PDB file, determining wether a field of a line is mandatory or not (default is ESBTL::Line_format<>)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ T_Conformations_file_loader()

T_Conformations_file_loader ( void  )

Default Constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_input_pdb_file_name()

void add_input_pdb_file_name ( const std::string &  file_name)

Add manually the name of an input PDB file.

◆ add_input_points_file_name()

void add_input_points_file_name ( const std::string &  file_name)

Add manually the name of an input Points file.

◆ add_options()

virtual boost::program_options::options_description add_options ( void  )

Virtual method for adding options to the module.

Reimplemented in T_Union_of_balls_surface_volume_3_module< ModuleTraits, OutputArchive >, T_Union_of_balls_mesh_3_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Union_of_balls_boundary_patch_shelling_3_module< ModuleTraits, OutputArchive >, T_Union_of_balls_boundary_3_module< ModuleTraits, ExactNT >, T_Tertiary_quaternary_structure_annotator_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Spatial_search_module< ModuleTraits, ApproximatedSpatialSearchEngine >, T_Nearest_neighbors_graph_builder_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_module< ModuleTraits, MorseSmaleWittenChainComplex >, T_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_module< ModuleTraits, SBL::GT::T_Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex_from_vertex_weighted_graph_builder< typename ModuleTraits::Graph, typename ModuleTraits::Get_weight >::Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex >, T_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_module< ModuleTraits, SBL::GT::T_Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex_from_weighted_graph_builder< typename ModuleTraits::Graph, typename ModuleTraits::Get_weight >::Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex >, T_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_module< ModuleTraits, SBL::GT::T_Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex_from_NNG_builder< ModuleTraits::Nearest_neighbors_graph, ModuleTraits::Morse_function, ModuleTraits::Distance_graph_function >::Morse_Smale_Witten_chain_complex >, T_Molecular_interfaces_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Earth_mover_distance_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Buried_surface_area_without_label_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Buried_surface_area_with_labels_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Alpha_complex_of_molecular_model_module< ModuleTraits >, T_XTC_file_loader< ConformationType, ConformationBuilder, ESBTLMolecularSystem, PDBLineFormat >, T_Spheres_3_file_loader< Sphere3, Point3 >, T_Radius_annotator_for_particles_with_annotated_name< NT, SetRadius >, T_Points_d_file_loader< PointD >, T_Particle_annotator_collector< ParticleAnnotator1, ParticleAnnotator2 >, T_Name_annotator_for_atoms< SetAnnotatedName >, T_Dynamic_annotator_for_residues< SetDynamicAnnotation >, T_Dynamic_annotator_for_atoms< SetDynamicAnnotation >, T_Transition_graph_loader< InputArchive, TransitionGraphTraits >, T_Protein_representation_loader< Protein_representation_ >, T_Primitive_labels_loader< PartnerLabelsTraits, MediatorLabelsTraits, ExtraLabelsTraits >, T_Numbers_file_loader< FT, Tag >, T_Molecular_system_loader< Molecular_system_ >, T_Molecular_system_loader< Molecular_system >, T_Molecular_system_loader< Molecular_covalent_structure_builder_::Molecular_covalent_structure::Particle_info::Particle_traits::Molecular_system >, T_Molecular_covalent_structure_loader_from_MOL< MolecularCovalentStructure >, T_Molecular_covalent_structure_loader< Molecular_covalent_structure_builder_ >, T_Molecular_covalent_structure_loader< SBL::CSB::T_Molecular_covalent_structure_builder_for_proteins< typename Protein_representation_::Polypeptide_chain::Molecular_covalent_structure > >, T_Conformation_loader< Conformation_builder_ >, T_Archive_file_loader< InputArchive, SerializedData >, T_Name_annotator_for_pseudo_atoms< SetAnnotatedName >, T_Generic_annotator_without_file< AnnotationType, SetAnnotation, GetInstanceName >, T_Generic_annotator< KeyType, AnnotationType, MakeKey, SetAnnotation, GetOptionName, GetOptionHelp, GetOptionDisplayName >, T_Domain_annotator_for_particles< Annotations >, T_RMSD_comb_edge_weighted_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Morse_theory_based_analyzer_for_NNG_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Cluster_engine_module< ModuleTraits >, T_Alignment_structures_module< ModuleTraits, AlignmentEngineStructures >, and T_Alignment_sequences_module< ModuleTraits, AlignmentEngineSequences >.

◆ check_options()

bool check_options ( std::string &  message) const

Checks that the input options' values are coherent.

Reimplemented from T_Module_option_description< Dummy >.

◆ get_geometric_model_ensemble() [1/4]

T_Conformations_file_loader< ConformationType, ConformationBuilder, ESBTLMolecularSystem, PDBLineFormat >::Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble ( unsigned  i)

ith Conformations ensemble.

◆ get_geometric_model_ensemble() [2/4]

const T_Conformations_file_loader< ConformationType, ConformationBuilder, ESBTLMolecularSystem, PDBLineFormat >::Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble ( unsigned  i) const

ith Conformations ensemble (const).

◆ get_geometric_model_ensemble() [3/4]

T_Conformations_file_loader< ConformationType, ConformationBuilder, ESBTLMolecularSystem, PDBLineFormat >::Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble ( void  )

onformations ensemble. (use only if one input file was provided).

◆ get_geometric_model_ensemble() [4/4]

const T_Conformations_file_loader< ConformationType, ConformationBuilder, ESBTLMolecularSystem, PDBLineFormat >::Molecular_geometric_model_ensemble & get_geometric_model_ensemble ( void  ) const

Conformations ensemble. (use only if one input file was provided) (const).

◆ get_input_file_name() [1/2]

const std::string& get_input_file_name ( unsigned  i) const

Return the name of the ith input file.

◆ get_input_file_name() [2/2]

const std::string& get_input_file_name ( void  ) const

Return the name of the input file when only one is given.

◆ get_model_number()

unsigned get_model_number ( void  ) const

Return the number of the model used in the PDB files.

◆ get_name()

std::string get_name ( void  ) const

Return the name of the class itself.

Reimplemented from Loader_base.

◆ get_number_of_loaded_geometric_model_ensembles()

unsigned get_number_of_loaded_geometric_model_ensembles ( void  ) const

Number of loaded Conformations ensembles.

◆ get_options()

static boost::program_options::options_description*& get_options ( void  )

Access to the options' description of the module.

◆ get_output_prefix()

std::string get_output_prefix ( void  ) const

Returns a prefix that concatains the input line options used when running the module.

Reimplemented from T_Module_option_description< Dummy >.

◆ is_loaded_hydrogen()

bool is_loaded_hydrogen ( void  ) const

Check that hydrogen are loaded.

◆ is_loaded_water()

bool is_loaded_water ( void  ) const

Check that water molecules are loaded.

◆ load()

bool load ( unsigned  verbose = false,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 

Load function.

verboseVerbosity level.
[out]outOutput stream.
True if loading is successful, false otherwise. Function to call to execute the main function of a Loader

Reimplemented from Loader_base.