SBL Community
Supports is provided to interact with SBL contributors, developers and users, through the mailing list and the bug-reporter bugzilla.
Inquiries and feedback
The developers can be reached using the mailing list to:
— discuss any question about the library and its documentation,
— request help with the SBL, at any level (as end-user, developer or contributor),
— express requests and/or specific developments.
Bug Reporter
The SBL uses Bugzilla to handle bugs, using the following interface.
To use this system, one first needs to send a request to for creating a new account, and then follow the steps described in the confirmation mail.
Once connected to your account, two main actions are possible:
— looking for a bug by clicking on the “Search” button. The search is done per part of the library (Applications, Models, Core, or all together).
— filing a new bug by clicking on the “File a Bug” button. Filing the bug requires selecting the part of the SBL concerned, namely Applications, Models or Core. Then, various pieces of information are requested (package affected, machine configuration, etc). Indeed, the more complete the report, the easier its processing by developers!