Structural Bioinformatics Library
Template C++ / Python API for developping structural bioinformatics applications.


class  T_Alignment_engine< SequenceOrStructure, AlignerAlgorithm, FT >
 Base engine for making alignments between structures and sequences. Base engine for making alignments between structures and sequences. More...
class  T_Default_amino_acid_seqan_sequence_converter< Dummy >
 Default converter that justs returns the input name as the seqan amino acid name, and recirpocally. More...
class  T_Aligner_sequence_seqan_wrapper< SeqanSequenceConverter, FreeEndsAlignment, ScoreType, SeqanUnitType, SeqanCustomMatrix, SeqanAlgorithm >
 Wrapper of the Seqan algorithm for aligning pairwise sequences. More...
class  T_Alignment_engine_sequences_seqan< SequenceType, SeqanSequenceConverter, FreeEndsAlignment, ScoreType, SeqanUnitType, SeqanCustomMatrix, SeqanAlgorithm >
 Engine for making alignments between sequences using Seqan. More...
class  T_Alignment_engine_structures< StructureType, AlignerAlgorithm, FT, MolecularDistance >
 Base engine for making alignments between structures. Base engine for making alignments between structures. More...
class  T_Aligner_structure_apurva_wrapper< StructureType >
 Wrapper of the Apurva algorithm for aligning pairwise structures. More...
class  T_Alignment_engine_structures_apurva< StructureType, FT, MolecularDistance >
 Base engine for making alignments between structures using Apurva. More...
class  T_Alignment_engine_structures_identity< StructureType, FT, MolecularDistance >
 Base engine for making alignments between two identical structures (in different conformations). More...
class  T_Alignment_engine_structures_iterative_identity< StructureType, FT, MolecularDistance >
 Base engine for making queries in a identity alignment setting for a best local fit. More...
class  T_Alignment_engine_structures_kpax< StructureType, FT, MolecularDistance >
 Base engine for making alignments between structures using Kpax. More...
class  T_Alignment_residue< ResidueBase >
 Representation of a residue in the alignement engines Representation of a residue in the alignement engines. More...
class  T_Alignment_sequence< ResidueBase >
 Representation of a sequence of residues in the alignement engines Representation of a sequence of residues in the alignement engines. More...
class  T_Chains_residues_contiguous_indexer< PCRep >
 Data structure to handle the contiguous indices of residues/un its in a chain even in the presence of missing residues/units. More...
class  T_Alignment_sequences_module< ModuleTraits, AlignmentEngineSequences >
 Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two sequences Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two sequences. More...
class  T_Alignment_structures_module< ModuleTraits, AlignmentEngineStructures >
 Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two structures Module which computes a pairwise alignment of two structures. More...
