Structural Bioinformatics Library
Template C++ / Python API for developping structural bioinformatics applications.


class  T_Cluster_engine_k_means_center_of_mass< PointType, VectorType >
 Representation of a center of mass in k-means algorithm. More...
class  T_Cluster_engine_k_means_point_selector_random< PointType, VectorType >
 Select randomly the initial centers of mass for k-means algorithm. More...
class  T_Cluster_engine_k_means_point_selector_plus_plus< PointType, VectorType, Distance >
 Select initial centers of mass using the ++ strategy. More...
class  T_Cluster_engine_k_means_point_selector_minimax< PointType, VectorType, Distance >
 Select initial centers of mass by maximizing the min distance between centers of mass at each selection step
class  T_Cluster_engine_k_means< KMTraits >
 K-means algorithm. More...
class  T_Cluster_engine_k_means_com_euclidean< PointType, VectorType >
 Representation of a center of mass for k-means in Euclidean spaces. More...
class  T_Cluster_engine_k_means_com_Sd< VectorType, CenterOfMassInitializer >
 Representation of a center of mass in k-means algorithm. More...
class  K_means_scores
 Various scores for K_means. More...
class  T_Cluster_engine_Morse_theory_based< PointType, DistanceFunction, TNNQuery, TGetDensity >
 Morse theory based clustering algorithm. More...
class  T_Spectral_clustering< GraphType >
 Spectral clustering algorithm from Ng et al at NeurIPS 2001. More...
class  T_Cluster_engine_module< ModuleTraits >
 Module which computes clusters from a cloud of points Module which computes clusters from a cloud of points. More...
